Charles Nenner on Stock Market Perspective in 2022

In this podcast Dr. Charles Nenner explains where the stock market is going in 2022:

  • No random movements in nature and financial markets;
  • His neural network tells you in different markets (which days are going to top or bottom);
  • Current state of the world economy (yields will go much higher, inflation will reach 11/12%);
  • Forecast for stocks (a lot of stocks are in a bear market already, it's better to see the cycles, the situation is dangerous);
  • Forecast where stocks go (80000 for Dow, could get worse);
  • The Virus Research;
  • If a year ends on a 7 it's a major selloff;
  • Waiting for the gold and silver markets to take-off;
  • Cryptos are easiest to analyze, bitcoin will soon bounce;
  • Consumers will face problems soon as the biggest money is in bonds, not in stocks.

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High Priority Insights from Charles Nenner
February 20, 2020
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